Computer Services

Computer running slow? Have a virus? Need upgrades? Need a brand new custom built system? We have you covered. From an average day-to-day computer to a custom server, we can do it; all you need is SemperTekz.

Network Services

Whether you're a business of private individual, we can handle any size and scope project. We can take your network from concept to implementation. As well, we can maintain your current network. All you need is SemperTekz.

Web Services

Need a website for your business; personal? We've got you covered. From design to hosting to maintenance, we do it all. All you need is SemperTekz.

Custom Software

Do you have a unique business that any current off-the-shelf software can not handle? Let us write you a custom software application that does exactly what you need it to how you need it to do. All you need is SemperTekz.

Video Services

Do you have tons of old photos that are losing quality by the day? Video on VHS, Hi-8 or any other degrading material? We can convert it all for you in DVD which will last longer than the current media it is on. All you need is SemperTekz.

Provided Services

  • Virus Removal
  • Spyware Removal
  • Malware Removal
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Software Installation
  • Computer Upgrades
  • Hardware Troubleshooting
  • Network Installation
  • Cable Drops
  • Network Upgrades
  • Network Troubleshooting
  • Software Design & Maintenance
  • Software Upgrades
  • Website Design, Hosting & Maintenance
  • Video & Photo conversion & editing
  • Videography & Photography Services


   SemperTekz loves a good challenge and are willing and ready to make things others have told you are impossible possible.

   Sometimes this failure is simply bad communication or understanding. We are not afraid to ask questions and will take whatever time is needed to make sure we develop a clear and concise outline of what your challenge needs to do. Even at the risk of us appearing unknowledgeable, we will ask the question to ensure we fully understand the scope and need of the solution.

   The easiest way to explain this approach is that of an architect and a construction crew. You are the architect and unless the construction crew can fully interpret your blueprint, your building can not be properly constructed. This often requires several inquiries of the architect to further elaborate on certain aspects of the plan. Even though the construction crew is very capable at their job, certain things that make perfect sense to the architect simply do not carry over to the construction crew and requires further explanation to the construction crew.

   By asking these questions, we can hold true to the saying that any job worth doing is worth doing right the first time. This allows for lower costs to you and SemperTekz to deliver a solution that does what it is needed to do on time and on budget.


   All companies need catchy catch phrases. Our phrases are more than words; they are our mission and ultimate goal. Just like ‘Making the Impossible possible’, powerful in itself, ‘the only limitation is your own imagination’ is just as powerful. These are phrases that we live by and will strive to improve on daily.

   SemperTekz believes that anything you can think of, in the IT/Technology realm, we can achieve. All we need is a clear and concise plan which we will work tirelessly with you to map out. With this clear roadmap to success, SemperTekz will take your project from concept to completion.